Our Technology

Future robots will be instructed, not programmed, and what they do not know, they will learn!

  • No special tools or programming experience needed – instructions can be given in spoken natural language as with a human learner

  • No prior robot experience needed – the robot can answer user questions and tell the user what it knows and does not know

  • No prior object and action knowledge needed – objects and actions can be learned on the fly through instructions and demonstrations

  • Not limited to single robots – multiple robots can be instructed with different tasks and share their knowledge immediately

  • Not limited to robots – multiple heterogeneous robots, IoT devices and other automation tools can learn to perform tasks together

Our software

TRADE (Thinking Robots Architecture Development Environment):

  • intelligent fault-tolerant introspective robot middleware that enables integration with existing distributed systems

TRUST (Thinking Robots Understanding System Toolkit)

  • comprehensive natural language understanding system with dialogue manager and instruction-based learning

TRACS (Thinking Robots Autonomy Cognition System)

  • complete intelligent cognitive robotic architecture for multi-human multi-robot cooperation with planning and reasoning